Mentoring the youth through arts and wellnessis a cornerstone of our mission to help developsocially, emotionally, and well prepared youngleaders.

Each Saturday, Elite Learners, Inc. along withNYC Crisis Management System and theCommunity Affairs Bureau, hosted MentorshipThrough Double Dutch and Brothers BondedWellness Workshops for the youth of ProspectLefferts Gardens. These programs were put inplace to help fight against violence by unitingthe youth of the PLG community.

In Brownsville, CMS and ELI hosted anotherseries of workshops at the NYPD CommunityCenter. Double Dutch & Step Academy, YoungMen's Wellness Academy, and Drama & DanceAcademy.

Our programs are designed to encouragesuccess and self-confidence and providealternative choices to violence to individualsand throughout family units. We have found thatexpression through art is a wonderful way tolearn about how to combat community violence.


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